
Why be concerned?

Supplier progress

Potential impacts

Functional groups

Substance list

Legislation / REACH


Related Links

Wash with care

Environmental assessment of laundry detergents



The purpose of this website is to provide easily accessible information on the chemicals used for laundering by E.T.S.A. members.

It is meant as a reference for both textile service customers and for the staff of members and other relevant stakeholders such as authorities etc.

It is also a tool to support ‘The E.T.S.A. Environmental Principles’, which state:

‘Only detergents which have a minimum impact on the environment should be used’

We will appreciate any suggestions for improvements and relevant corrections.

The Environmental Committee

Revised: 17-03-2010


Quality control

Quality control of the web-site has been done by Senior Specialist Consultant, Torben Madsen, Head of Department at DHI -




The content of this site, including data, legislation and other information, is provided by E.T.S.A. for your personal information only.


The content of this site is not appropriate for the purposes of making decisions involving the chemicals, detergents and substances mentioned and described on the site. Nor does it provide any form of advice on the use of these chemicals, detergents and substances.


E.T.S.A. shall not be liable for the content of this site. Nor will it assume any liability for errors or inaccuracies.




For comments and corrections etc.

please contact:

European Textile Services Association

Rue Montoyer 24—box 7

B-1000 Brussels


+32 2 282 09 90



The website has been created for E.T.S.A.

Printing tip:

If you want to print part of this web-site make sure the margins—left and right—are set to 5 mm or less. Then the full content of the pages normally will fit A-4 paper.


For comments and corrections etc.

please contact:


Henrik Grüttner

Kongestien 5

DK-2830 Virum


+45 45 85 78 07 / +45 40 20 34 64

The website has been created by EcoForum